


  • Currently: MSc Computer Science and Engineering @ Politecnico di Milano
  • 2020 - 2023: BSc Ingegneria Informatica @ Politecnico di Milano


  • My shelfie: A complex Java table-top game built with a team of four people. It included online multiplayer with a client- server paradigm, supported by two technologies: sockets and Java RMI. The software system is based on the MVC design pattern, while many parts follow an Observer pattern for data communication among server-side components.
  • Pier-zon: A Java EE-based web application for an imaginary e-commerce platform. The server backend was created with Java Enterprise Edition, Java Beans and Thymeleaf, while the frontend web page was created through plain HTML 5 and CSS 3. The web app relied on a MySQL database to store data and the user session to store temporary information about the client.
  • PoliResourceBot.js: A Discord bot built upon the JavaScript discord.js library that lets users search among studying resources. The bot is built with Node.js and it relies on a MySQL database to handle both querying and insertion of data.
  • PortableGPT.js: A Discord bot that relies on the OpenAI ChatGPT API to send requests to GPT-3 and receive its responses.
  • aziendaagricolasuccigiacomo.com: A responsive website built with HTML, CSS and a little JavaScript to power a dynamic slideshow. The website adapts its layout to both desktop and mobile.

You can check out these projects and more on my GitHub profile.


  • Google Developer Student Club @ PoliMi - Community Lead (2021-2022): I was selected among other students to be the Community Lead for the amazing Google Developer Student Club community at Politecnico di Milano. My team and I hosted many events, especially in the Machine Learning field, with experts in the matter, to share some practical knowledge about these new technologies.
  • Google Developer Student Club @ PoliMi - Social Media Manager (2020-2021): I was selected by the team that was managing the GDSC before me to be their new social media manager. Together, we managed to spread the word about our club and make it one of the biggest in Europe, reaching 1200+ members. We hosted events about Machine Learning, Blockchain and Autonomous Driving.


  • Cambridge English Language Assessment - Certificate of Advanced English (C1) (June 2019): passed with grade 199/210
  • Japan Foundation - Japanese Language Proficiency Test (N5) (January 2019): passed with grade 95/180


You can download a PDF version of this CV by clicking here.